Nobilis® IB Ma5
5. When last did you evaluate your Mass protection?
Figure 1: Percentage data of condemnation by airsacullitis over a period of 21 months. The periods where both vaccines were used and the degree of challenge (low or high) can be observed.
Figure 2: Percentage data of condemnation by collibacilosis over a period of 21 months. The period where both vaccines were used by the degree of challenge (low or high) can be observed.
Figure3: Percentage data of condemnation by airsacculitis and collibacilosis (added) over a period of 21 months. The period where both vaccines were used and the degree of challenge (low or high) can be observed.
Figure 4: Chart referring to percentage data of condemnation by airsacculitis and colibacillosis (combined) during months of high challenge, showing the difference between the two Mass vaccines.
Assayag, J. et al. (2012) ‘Performance of vaccines containing different Massachusetts strains of infectious bronchitis virus in the slaughterhouse condemnations,’ p. 189 -193.
Aris Malo, DVM
“..Clears the air about IB variants,
the challenges of control
programs and the value of using
a Protectotype strategy with
vaccines of different serotypes.”