Nobivac® Puppy DP PLUS
Nobivac® Puppy DP PLUS—The first vaccine capable of
breaking through any level of parvovirus maternally
derived antibodies (MDA) from four weeks of age.
Nobivac® Puppy DP PLUS—The first vaccine capable of
breaking through any level of parvovirus maternally
derived antibodies (MDA) from four weeks of age.
FOR ANIMAL USE ONLY FVAX-MG® Mycoplasma gallisepticum Vaccine, Live Culture Reg. No. G4295 (Act 36/1947) INDICATIONS FVAX-MG® is recommended for use in healthy chickens 9 weeks of age or older by spray administration to aid in prevention of clinical signs associated with Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection. COMPOSITION FVAX-MG® vaccine is a live vaccine containing the F-strain […]
Engemycin® 10% is an aqueous oxytetracycline injectable solution for the treatment and control of disease conditions caused by or associated with oxytetracycline susceptible organisms.