All products
Anthravax® |
For the active immunisation of cattle, sheep and goats against Anthrax. |
Avotan® Pour-On |
Ready to use pour-on for the control of roundworms and blue ticks in cattle. |
Berenil® R.T.U. |
Berenil® R.T.U. cures and prevents redwater in cattle and cures biliary fever in dogs and horses. Prevents Asiatic (European) redwater for 2 weeks and African redwater for 4 weeks. Berenil® R.T.U. is also effective against infections caused by Trypanosomas. |
Blanthrax® |
Combined blackquarter-anthrax vaccine for the active immunisation of cattle, sheep and goats against anthrax and blackquarter (Quarter Evil). |
Boostin® Plus |
For increased milk production in healthy, well-nourished adult cows. |
Botuthrax® |
For the active immunisation of healthy cattle, sheep and goats against botulism and anthrax. |
Botuvax® |
Botuvax® is a vaccine for the active immunisation of cattle, horses, sheep and goats against botulism. |
Bovi-Tect P |
Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica vaccine for cattle. |
Bovi-Tect PI |
This modified live vaccine reduces the incidence of morbidity and mortality caused by Mannheimia haemolytica and BHV-1 (IBR). |
Bovilis® C7 Somni |
Bovilis® C7 Somni is indicated for the immunisation of healthy cattle as an aid in preventing diseases caused by Clostridium chauvoei, Clostridium septicum, Clostridium novyi type B, Clostridium sordellii, Clostridium perfringens type C, Clostridium perfringens type D and Haemophilus somnus. |
Bovilis® S |
An aid in the control of cattle salmonellosis and calf paratyphoid caused by Salmonella dublin and Salmonella typhimurium. |
Bovilis® Vista 5 L5 SQ | |
Bovilis® Vista Once PMH SQ is indicated for the aid in the control of respiratory disease caused by Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida. Bovilis® Vista Once PMH SQ is composed of live strains of Streptomycin-dependent Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida. |
Bovilis® Vista Once SQ |
Bovilis® Vista Once SQ contains modified live cultures of bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus, bovine virus diarrhoea (BVD) virus (Type 1 and 2), parainfluenza3 virus (PI3), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) and avirulent live cultures of Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida. |
Bravecto® Chew |
For the treatment and prevention of tick, flea and mite infestations in dogs. Bravecto® kills |
For cats suffering from, or at risk of, mixed ecto- and endoparasitic infestations. |
Bravecto® Spot On |
A Spot-On product for the treatment and prevention of tick, flea and mite infestations in dogs and cats. |
Caninsulin® |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Cephudder |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Cepravin® Dry Cow |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Chorulon 1500 IU |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Chrono-Gest® PMSG 6000 IU |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Clout® |
Clout® is a ready-to-use pour-on for cattle, sheep and goats. |
Cobactan® 2,5% |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Cobactan® LA 7,5% |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Cobactan® LC |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Coopers Deca-Spot® 0,5% Pour-On |
Ready to use pour-on for cattle, sheep and goats. |
Coopers Triatix® 12,5% |
For the control of ticks on cattle, ostriches ad control of mange mites on goats. Also used for treating sheep scab mites. |
Ready to use pour-on for cattle, sheep, goats and game. |
Coopers® Supadip |
Coopers® Supadip is indicated for the control of ectoparasites on cattle, horses, sheep, goats and dogs: |
Cooperzon® 30 |
A dip for sheep, goats and pigs. It is indicated to kill and control the ectoparasites. |
A vaccine for the active immunisation of healthy cattle and sheep over 2 months of age against: Enterotoxaemia, haemorrhagic enteritis, blackleg, malignant oedema (gas gangrene), lamb dysentery, infectious necrotic hepatitis (black disease), pulpy kidney disease, sudden death syndrome, tetanus and botulism. |
Covexin®10 |
A multiclostridial vaccine for cattle and sheep from 2 weeks of age to prevent mortality, lesions and clinical signs of disease caused by Clostridium perfringens type A (haemorrhagic enteritis), C. perfringens type B (lamb dysentery), C. perfringens type C (necrotic enteritis), C. perfringens type D (pulpy kidney), C. chauvoei (black quarter), C. novyi type B, C. septicum (malignant oedema), C. tetani (tetanus), C. sordellii (sudden death syndrome) and C. haemolyticum (C. novyi type D). |
Decatix® 3 |
A cattle, sheep and goat dip as well as a cattle and ostrich spray. |
Delete® |
Ready to use pour-on for the control of ticks, flies and lice for catlle. |
Delete® ALL |
Ready to use pour-on for cattle, sheep and goats. |
Delete®-X5 |
Used as a cattle, sheep and goat dip, as well as an ostrich and cattle spray for the prevention and treatment of ectoparasite infestations. |
Depocillin® |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian |
Depomycin® |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Dexafort |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Disulfox L.A. |
For the treatment of footrot, navel-ill, joint-ill and pneumonia in stock, coccidiosis and bacterial scours in calves and lambs and strangles in horses. |
Dolorex |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Duplocillin® |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Ectodex |
Ectodex is a dip wash used for the control of demodectic mange, sarcoptic mange, ticks and lice in dogs. |
Engemycin® 10% |
Engemycin® 10% is an aqueous oxytetracycline injectable solution for the treatment and control of disease conditions caused by or associated with oxytetracycline susceptible organisms. |
Engemycin® Spray |
Oxytetracycline containing wound spray to treat topical infections such as lacerations, abrasions, gaping wounds dermatitis and footrot. |
Enterotect P |
Enterotect P is used for vaccination of healthy sheep and goats as an aid in preventing pneumonic pasteurellosis caused by Mannheimia haemolytica, enterotoxaemia caused by |
Equilis® Prequenza |
Indicated for the active immunisation of healthy horses and ponies against influenza. |
Equilis® Prequenza-TE |
Indicated for the active immunisation of healthy horses and ponies against influenza and tetanus. |
Estrumate® |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Exitel Cat |
For the treatment of cats suffering from mixed infections by the following gastrointestinal roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms. |
Exitel Plus |
For the treatment of mixed infections by nematodes and cestodes in adult dogs. |
Exitel Plus XL |
For the treatment of mixed infections by nematodes and cestodes in adult dogs over 35kg. |
Exspot® Spot-on for Dogs |
For dogs and puppies from 2 weeks old. Kills and controls flies, ticks (kennel ticks/brown dog ticks) and fleas for more than 4 weeks. |
For the treatment and control of poultry red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) and Northern fowl mite (Ornithonyssus sylviarum) infestation in pullets, breeders and layers. |
Finadyne® |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Fluxacur NF |
An antiparasitic remedy for the control of internal parasites in cattle, sheep and goats, for the control of nasal bot in sheep and goats and itchmite in sheep, as well as a liver fluke remedy against early immature and adult liver fluke and giant liver fluke in cattle, sheep and goats. |
Forray 65® Injection |
For the treatment and prevention of bovine babesiosis (redwater) and the treatment of tick borne gallsickness (anaplasmosis), canine and equine babesiosis. |
Fortegra® is indicated for the vaccination of healthy broilers at 1-day old via spray cabinet administration as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis due to Eimeria mivati and Eimeria tenella and as an aid in the reduction of lesions related to Eiemria acervulina and Eimeria. maxima in chickens. |
FVAX-MG® | |
Gardal 10% |
A remedy against roundworms, milk tapeworm and liver fluke in cattle, sheep and goats. |
Halocur® 0,5 mg/mℓ |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Imizol® |
Imizol kills redwater (Babesiosis) and tick‑borne gallsickness (Anaplasmosis) organisms in cattle. It also prevents Asiatic redwater for up to 4 weeks and African redwater for up to 8 weeks in cattle. |
Incurin® Tablets |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Newcastle disease is a controlled disease in terms of the animal diseases act |
Intertest® Avian PPD Tuberculin |
Intertest® Avian PPD Tuberculin is used for diagnosis of avian tuberculosis and comparative tuberculin test in cattle and other domestic animals. |
Intertest® Bovine PPD Tuberculin |
Intertest® Bovine PPD Tuberculin is indicated for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in cattle. |
Intertocin-S |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Ivotan® |
Antiparasitic remedy for cattle, sheep and pigs. |
Karsivan® Tablets |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Leventa® |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Modified live virus vaccine for use in chickens 4 weeks of age or older, as an aid in the prevention of chicken laryngotracheitis through vaccination by the eye drop method. |
Lumpyvax® |
For the prophylactic immunisation of cattle against Lumpy Skin Disease. |
M+PAC® |
For use as an aid in the prevention of pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection in swine. |
Mastijet® Forte |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian |
Mastiplan L.C. |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian |
Micromin B |
Micromin B is intended as an injectable multi-mineral supplement for cattle for prevention, maintenance or correction of diagnosed deficiencies of manganese, and/or copper, and/or chromium, and/or zinc and/or selenium which may arise during critical phases of the production or breeding life cycle |
Micromin O |
Micromin O is intended as an injectable multi-mineral supplement for cattle and sheep for prevention, maintenance or correction of diagnosed deficiencies of manganese, and/or zinc and/or selenium which may arise during critical phases of the production or breeding life cycle. |
Micromin O+ |
Micromin O+ is intended as an injectable multi-mineral supplement for cattle and sheep for prevention, maintenance or correction of diagnosed deficiencies of manganese, and/or copper, and/or zinc and/or selenium which may arise during critical phases of the production or breeding life cycle. |
Ear Drop Suspension. Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Multiclos |
A vaccine for the active immunisation of healthy cattle and sheep against blackleg, malignant oedema (gas gangrene), bacillary haemoglobinuria, black disease (infectious necrotic hepatitis), hemorrhagic enterotoxaemia and pulpy kidney disease. |
Multivax-P |
For the active immunisation of sheep against pulpy kidney, malignant oedema, blackquarter, tetanus and pasteurellosis caused by the above listed organisms. |
Multivax-P Plus |
For the active immunization of sheep as an aid in the control of lamb dysentery, pulpy kidney, tetanus, blackleg, clostridial metritis (malignant oedema of the uterus), bloodgut and infections caused by Clostridium novyi type B. |
Nasalcur® |
Remedy for nasal worm, liver fluke and wireworm in sheep and goats as well as liver fluke and wireworm in cattle. |
Nem-A-Fluke® |
Roundworm and liver fluke remedy for cattle, sheep and goats. Controls adult and immature stages of conical fluke (Paramphistomum spp.) in cattle, sheep and goats. |
Nem-A-Rid® 3,75% |
Roundworm and liver fluke remedy for cattle, sheep and goats as well as a nasal worm remedy for sheep and goats. |
Nem-A-Rid® Orange |
A roundworm, lungworm, milk tapeworm, liver fluke and nasal bot endoparasiticide with residual protection against reinfestation of wireworm and hookworm in sheep and goats. |
Nobilis® CAV P4 |
This is a live attenuated freeze-dried vaccine containing chicken anaemia vaccine virus. |
Nobilis® G+ND |
Nobilis® G+ND is a combined inactivated vaccine for primed chickens and is recommended for the protection of the progeny of breeders against Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro) during the first weeks of their life and for the booster vaccination of future breeders and layers against Newcastle Disease. |
Nobilis® Gumboro 228E |
Nobilis® Gumboro 228E is a live vaccine for the active immunisation of chickens against Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro) |
Nobilis® Gumboro D78 |
Nobilis® Gumboro D78 is a live freeze-dried vaccine for the immunisation of chickens against Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro). |
Nobilis® IB 4-91 |
This vaccine may only be used by persons registered in terms of or authorised in terms of section 23 (1) (c) of the Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act, 1982 (Act No. 19 of 1982). |
Nobilis® IB MA5 |
Nobilis® IB Ma5 is a live attenuated vaccine to prevent Infectious Bronchitis (Massachusetts type) in chickens (via eye drop application or spray administration). |
NOBILIS® IB Multi+ND | |
Nobilis® IB Multi+ND+EDS is indicated for the vaccination of breeder and layer stocks for protection against the Massachusetts and D207/D274 serotypes of Infectious Bronchitis virus, Newcastle Disease virus and Egg Drop Syndrome virus. |
Nobilis® IB Primo QX |
For the active immunisation of chickens from 1 day of age or older to reduce clinical signs of disease caused by infection with Infectious Bronchitis Virus serotype D388/QX. |
Nobilis® IB+G+ND |
Nobilis® IB+G+ND is a combined inactivated vaccine for primed chickens and is recommended for the protection of the progeny of primed breeders during the first week of life against Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro), and for the booster vaccination of future layers and breeders against Infectious Bronchitis and Newcastle Disease. |
Nobilis® IB+ND |
Nobilis® IB+ND is a combined inactivated vaccine for the protection of future breeding chickens against Infectious Bronchitis (Massachusetts type) and Newcastle Disease. |
Nobilis® IB+ND+EDS |
Nobilis® IB+ND+EDS is a combined inactivated vaccine for the protection of layers and breeders against Egg Drop Syndrome ’76 and for the booster vaccination of breeding chickens against Newcastle Disease and Massachusetts types of Infectious Bronchitis. |
Nobilis® ILT |
Nobilis® ILT is a live attenuated vaccine for the prevention and emergency vaccination of chickens against Infectious Laryngotracheitis via eye drop administration. |
Nobilis® MA5 + Clone 30 |
A live attenuated, freeze-dried vaccine, indicated for the immunisation of fowls against the Massachusetts type of serologically related types of Infectious Bronchitis and against Newcastle Disease. |
Nobilis® MG 6/85 |
A live, attenuated vaccine for the immunisation of healthy chickens (breeders & layers) via the spray method or eye drop administration for the protection against clinical signs associated by Mycoplasma gallisepticum (Mg) infection. |
Nobilis® MG INAC |
Nobilis® Mg Inac is an inactivated vaccine for the immunisation of chickens as an aid in the prevention of airsacculitis and egg production losses caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection. |
Nobilis® ND C2 |
Nobilis® ND C2 is a live freeze-dried vaccine, indicated for the primary vaccination of chickens at 1 day of age or older against Newcastle Disease. |
Nobilis® ND Clone 30 |
A live freeze-dried vaccine to prevent Newcastle Disease in chickens. It is administered via coarse spray or eye drop method. |
Nobilis® Newcavac |
Nobilis® Newcavac is an inactivated vaccine recommended for the booster vaccination of primed layers and breeding chickens for protection against Newcastle Disease. |
Nobilis® REO 2177 | |
Nobilis® Reo Inac |
Nobilis® Reo Inac is an inactivated vaccine recommended for the booster vaccination of primed breeding stock against Avian Reo virus in order to protect the offspring of the vaccinated chickens against Avian Reo virus infections. |
Nobilis® Reo+IB+G+ND |
A combined inactivated vaccine for chickens and is recommended for the booster vaccination of breeding stock for protection against Infectious Bronchitis and Newcastle Disease and for the immunisation against Reo Virus Infection and Infectious Bursal Disease virus so as to protect the offspring against Reo virus Infections and Gumboro Disease by maternal antibodies for at least the first week of life. |
For the active immunisation of chickens to reduce infection with avian rhinotracheitis virus (avian pneumovirus) and to reduce clinical signs and effects of the disease caused by the virus. |
Nobilis® Rismavac |
Nobilis® Rismavac is a live vaccine recommended for the immunisation of healthy day-old chicks against Marek’s Disease and is also indicated where virulent strains of Marek’s Disease are prevalent. |
Nobilis® Rismavac + CA126 |
Nobilis® Rismavac + CA126 is a combined live, cell-associated Marek’s Disease vaccine recommended for the immunisation of healthy chicks against Marek’s Disease. |
Nobilis® Salenvac T is indicated for the active immunisation of future breeder and layer chickens as an aid to reduce faecal excretion and infection by Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium. |
Nobilis® SG 9R |
A live, freeze-dried vaccine for the active immunisation of healthy layers as an aid in the control of Salmonella gallinarum (chicken typhoid). |
A modified live vaccine for the immunisation of healthy dogs against canine distemper, adenovirus type 2, infectious canine hepatitis, parainfluenza and parvovirus. |
A modified live vaccine for the immunisation of healthy dogs against canine distemper virus, adenovirus type 2, infectious canine hepatitis, parainfluenza, parvovirus, leptospirosis and corona virus. |
A modified live vaccine for the immunisation of healthy dogs against canine distemper, adenovirus type 2, infectious canine hepatitis, canine parainfluenza, canine parvovirus and leptospirosis. |
A modified live and killed virus vaccine for the immunisation of healthy dogs against canine distemper, adenovirus type-2, infectious canine hepatitis, parainfluenza, parvovirus and coronavirus. |
A modified live vaccine for the immunisation of healthy dogs against canine parvovirus. |
For the active immunisation of dogs against canine distemper, infectious canine hepatitis, canine parvo virus disease and canine parainfluenza virus infection. |
Nobivac® Feline 1-HCP |
A modified live vaccine for the immunisation of cats against panleukopaenia, rhinotracheitis and calici viruses. |
For the immunisation of cats against feline rhinotracheitis, calici virus, panleukopenia and feline leukaemia virus. Nobivac® Feline 1-HCP+ FeLV vaccine is a combination vaccine that unites the benefits of Nobivac® Feline 1-HCP and Nobivac® Feline FeLV in one vaccination. |
A modified live vaccine for the immunisation of cats against feline panleukopaenia, rhinotracheitis, calici viruses and Chlamydia psittaci. |
Nobivac® KC |
NOBIVAC® KC is a live freeze-dried vaccine for the active immunisation of 2-week-old puppies and mature dogs against Bordetella bronchiseptica and canine parainfluenza virus, resulting in the prevention of kennel cough. Immunity is complete 72 hours after vaccination. |
For active immunisation of dogs against leptospirosis |
For the active immunisation of young puppies against canine distemper and canine parvovirus disease. |
Nobivac® Puppy DP PLUS |
Nobivac® Puppy DP PLUS—The first vaccine capable of |
For the active immunisation of healthy dogs, cats, cattle, sheep, goats and horses against rabies. |
Nobivac® Respira Bb |
Nobivac® Respira Bb is a vaccine for active immunisation of dogs against Bordetella bronchiseptica to reduce clinical signs of upper respiratory tract disease and bacterial shedding post infection |
Nobivac® RL is an inactivated vaccine for the active immunisation of healthy dogs against rabies and canine leptospirosis caused by Leptospira interrogans serogroups Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae. |
For the active immunisation of healthy cats from 8 weeks of age to reduce clinical signs and virus excretion caused by an infection with feline calicivirus and feline rhinotracheitis virus and to prevent clinical signs, virus excretion and leukopenia caused by feline panleukopenia virus. |
Nuflor® |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Nuflor® Swine Premix |
For the treatment and prevention of swine respiratory disease in infected herds. The presence of the disease should be established in the herd before initiating preventive treatment. |
OTO-Aid |
Ear cleaner for dogs and cats |
Otomax® Ear Drop Suspension |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Oviguard |
Oviguard is used for vaccination of healthy sheep and goats as an aid in preventing pneumonic pasteurellosis caused by Mannheimia haemolytica and pulpy kidney caused by Clostridium perfringens Type D |
Ovilis® Enzovax |
For the active immunisation of susceptible breeding female sheep as an aid in the prevention of abortion and stillbirth caused by Chlamydophila abortus infection. |
Oxitril is used for the treatment of coccidiosis in chickens and turkeys, caused by infection with various species of Eimeria. Oxitril is effective against all intestinal stages of susceptible coccidia. To assist in the development of natural immunity to coccidiosis in breeder and layer replacer stock exposed to continuous challenge of virulent strains of coccidia. |
Panacur® 4% |
A roundworm remedy for pigs and cattle as well as a roundworm and milk tapeworm remedy for sheep and goats. |
Panacur® Aquasol |
For the treatment and control of gastrointestinal nematodes in pigs infected with Ascaris suum (adult, intestinal and migrating larval stages). |
Panacur® BS |
Anthelmintic for cattle, sheep, goats, horses and ostriches. A roundworm remedy for cattle, horses and ostriches. A roundworm, lungworm and milk tapeworm remedy for sheep and goats. |
Panacur® Paste |
For the treatment of immature and mature stages of roundworms: bloodworms (large strongyles), redworms (small strongyles), ascarids, oxyurids and strongyloides of horses. |
Paracox®-5 |
For the active immunisation of broilers against Eimeria acervulina, E. maxima, E. mitis and E. tenella. |
For the active immunisation of chickens to reduce infection and clinical signs of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E. brunetti, E. maxima, E. mitis, E. necatrix, E. praecox and E. tenella. Immunity begins to develop within 10 days post vaccination and is maintained for at least 36 weeks post vaccination, when chickens are housed in conditions that permit oocyst recycling. |
Piliguard® Pinkeye-1 Trivalent |
For use in healthy cattle to aid in the prevention of pinkeye associated with infection by Moraxells bovis strains expressing pili similar to those expressed by isolates referred to be MSD Animal Health as Strains EPP 63, FLA 64 and SAH 38. |
Porcilis® APP |
A vaccine for the active immunisation of weaner pigs as an aid in the control of pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. |
An inactivated bacterial vaccine for the active immunisation against neonatal enterotoxicosis and neonatal enteritis in pigs. |
An inactivated virus vaccine for the active immunisation of pigs (sows and gilts). |
For the active immunisation of pigs, as an aid in protection against clinical signs of Glässer’s disease caused by Haemophilus parasuis serotype 5. |
For the active immunisation of grower pigs to reduce pulmonary lesions due to infection caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. |
Porcilis® PCV |
For the active immunisation of pigs, to reduce the virus load in blood and lymphoid tissues and to reduce the weight loss associated with PCV2 infection occurring during the fattening period. |
Porcilis® PCV ID |
Inactivated vaccine emulsion for intradermal injection for pigs. |
Porcilis® PCV M Hyo |
For the active immunisation of pigs to reduce viraemia, virus load in lungs and lymphoid tissues, virus shedding caused by porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infection, and severity of lung lesions caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection. |
Porcilis® PORCOLI DF |
Porcilis® Porcoli DF is an inactivated vaccine recommended for the passive immunisation of piglets by active immunisation of sows/gilts to reduce mortality and clinical signs, such as diarrhoea due to neonatal enterotoxicosis during the first days of life. |
Posatex® |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Pulpyvax® |
For the active immunisation of sheep and goats against pulpy kidney disease (enterotoxaemia). |
Quadrepel® |
A wipe and spray-on fly repellent for protection against house and stable flies that also kills ticks and mosquitoes for horses and dogs. |
Quantel® |
Orally administered tablets for the treatment of clinical worm infestations including roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms in dogs and cats. |
Ralgro® Cattle Implants |
Hormone free growth stimulant for improved body mass gain and feed conversion in cattle of any age and any sex in feedlots and on good grazing plus supplement. Do not use in breeding bull replacements. |
Ralgro® Sheep |
Hormone-free growth stimulant for improved body mass gain and feed conversion in sheep of any age and any sex in feedlots and on good grazing plus supplement. Do not use in breeding sheep. |
RB-51 |
For use in healthy female cattle as an aid in the prevention of infection and abortion caused by Brucella abortus. |
Receptal® |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Resflor® |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult with your veterinarian |
Respiravax |
An inactivated vaccine that aids in reducing or preventing bovine respiratory disease caused by bovine herpes virus 1 (IBRV), bovine viral diarrhoea virus type 1 (BVDV), parainfluenza virus type 3 (PI3V) and Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica. |
Revalor® G |
A slow release anabolic agent containing trenbolone acetate and oestradiol which increases rate of mass gain in feedlot cattle (bulls, feeder steers and heifers) |
Revalor® H |
A growth promotant with slow release of active principle which induces the increased laying down of lean meat without increasing fat deposition. |
Revalor® S |
A growth promotant with slow release of active principle which induces the increased laying down of lean meat without increasing fat deposition. |
Revalor® XS |
A growth promotant with slow release of active principle which induces the increased laying down of lean meat without increasing fat deposition. |
Reverin 135 |
For the treatment of heartwater, tick-borne gall sickness (anaplasmosis), pneumonia, navel ill, joint ill and footrot in stock and strangles in horses. |
Reverin LA 230 |
Long-acting oxytretracycline for the treatment and control of conditions caused by, or associated with oxytetracycline susceptible organisms. |
Rimifen |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Rotavec® Corona |
For the active immunisation of pregnant cows and heifers to raise antibodies against E. coli adhesion E5 (K99) antigen, rotavirus and coronavirus. These antibodies protect calves against these diseases. |
Salix® Injection |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Schirmer Tear Test |
A diagnostic test to measure the rate of tear production. Used in the evaluation of conjunctivitis to diagnose tear deficiency as a contributing factor to ocular surface diseases and to assess lacrimal gland function. |
Solution® 3,5% L.A. |
SOLUTION® 3,5 % L.A. is an antiparasitic remedy for cattle and sheep. |
Sovereign® |
Pour-on acaricide, flukicide and anthelmintic for cattle. |
Spectrazol® Milking Cow |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult with your veterinarian. |
Supavax® |
For the active immunisation of cattle and sheep against anthrax, botulism and blackleg. |
Taktic® Cattle Spray |
An amitraz-containing dip for the control of external parasites on cattle, sheep, goats and ostriches. |
Controls ticks and lice. |
Taktic® TR |
Controls ticks on cattle, sheep and goats. |
Tramisol® |
Roundworm remedy for cattle, sheep, goats and ostriches. |
Roundworm remedy for cattle, sheep, goats and ostriches. |
Tramisol® Plus |
Roundworm- and liver fluke remedy for cattle, sheep and goats as well as a nasal worm remedy for sheep and goats. |
Tramizan® |
Roundworm, liver- and conical fluke remedy for cattle, sheep and goats. |
A live attenuated vaccine for the immunisation of layer pullets and breeder replacement pullets against avian encephalomyelitis (AE) and fowl pox. |
Uni-Dose |
A Wireworm remedy for sheep. |
Univax-BD® |
A live vaccine, indicated for use as an aid in the prevention of Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) (Gumboro) in fowls. |
Vaxsafe® MS |
An aid in the control of airsacculitis and synovitis in broiler breeder and layer pullets caused by Mycoplasma Synoviae. |
Anticoccidial agent for the treatment of Coccidiosis in cattle, sheep and goats. |
Ready-to-use, water-based pour-on for sheep and goats to control Karoo paralysis ticks, blowfly maggots, red lice and kills keds on sheep. |
Xylavet® 2% |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult your veterinarian. |
Zilmax® |
Non-steroidal growth stimulant for improved body mass gain and feed conversion in feedlot cattle. |
Zuprevo® 18% |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult with your veterinarian. |
Zuprevo® 4% |
Scheduled product. For further information please consult with your veterinarian. |