Social Media Repository – Bravecto® Plus

Please find below content and images ready for you to use in your practice and on your social media pages.
The text can be copied and pasted from the file below and edited as you wish to personalise for your practice.

Bravecto® Plus Content Calendar


Social Media Content Calendar

  1. Download content calendar
  2. Download corresponding images and videos below
  3. Open Facebook – create post
  4. Copy & paste the wording from the content calendar into your post, upload the relevant picture or video.
  5. Click post

Voila, post done!

Bravecto® Plus Content

Post 1 Introducing Bravecto® Plus

Post 2 Image Easier Way to Treat 

Post 3 Deworming Cats  

Post 4 Bravecto® Plus

Bravecto® Plus Owner Brochure


  • For ease of reference, create a folder for each month’s posts.
  • Spell check. Spell check. Spell check.
  • Ask people to like your Facebook page for updates.
  • Made a mistake? Go back and edit your post.

Like the video on the left?
Download it now for use in your practice!